Monday, February 4, 2008

More Media to Conquer: Podcasts

This week, our class will focus on podcasting. While I like to think of myself as technology savvy, before finding and downloading a podcast, I was a little intimidated by the process. Lucky for me I found it to be a very simple process and way more interesting than blogs.

To find my podcast for my class assignment I wasn't sure where to go until I was updated my iPod with some new songs. I remembered there thousands and thousands of podcasts in the iTunes store that can be downloaded for free. I actually enjoyed searching through all the different types of podcasts ranging from news, comedy, religion and other random programs. If I ever decide I have the desire to listen to a podcast everyday (and find one that will entertain/inform me), I am excited I can also subscribe to many of them free of charge, as well. College students enjoy free.

I said that I think podcasts are more interesting than blogs and since I am writing in a blog, I'd like to explain that quickly. For me, the appeal of podcasts is that it doesn't require my full attention. I can be reading my e-mail, checking the weather, etc. while listening, but when reading a blog, I feel like that is the only thing I can do to really understand it. Podcasts may be slower to catch on than blogs because they require more equipment and techno-savvy skills, but I think they are much more entertaining.

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